
Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Some Thoughts Arising from "There Isn't Someone Out There For Everyone, and Yes You Might Die Alone" (Part 1)

An excellent and important article from Catholic speaker and apologist Matt Fradd was recently circulating Facebook, posted by women all saying, "THIS. YES."

I have shared articles like this before, because I think it is extremely important for women to learn and understand that the idea that "there's someone out there for everyone" is not true. This is along the same lines as a post I wrote a couple years ago entitled "Forever Alone?" (incidentally published this same day; there must be something so blog-post-able about the eve of October!), in which I had shared a few other articles speaking to the idea of not waiting for something that might not come, and more importantly of being satisfied with everything you have already been given - especially the gift of Christ Himself.

This time around, though, a new perspective cropped up for me; the important perspective of the men. One must not forget that it is not only women who are struggling in their attempts at dating and courtship. A couple of Catholic men responded to the article I had shared from Matt Fradd and the ensuing conversations led me to conclude three things: