On the Cross at Calvary, Jesus said to his beloved disciple John, "behold your Mother," and to Mary He said, "behold your son," and from that day forward John took Mary into his home (John 19:27). What I never really knew or thought of before was how Jesus wasn't talking to just John, but using John to represent every single one of us in all of humanity. Behold, she is our mother, and we too should take her into our homes (/hearts) from this day forward. By consecrating myself to Jesus through Mary, I am allowing Mary, Jesus' mother, whom He has given to all of us as our mother as well, to bring me closer to her Son. It's a very special bond between me and my heavenly mama.
Fr. Gaitley's book takes the reader through the Marian teachings of four great saints: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa, and Blessed Pope John Paul II. Whether or not you expect yourself to be ready to make a consecration at the end of the book, I would highly recommend reading this simple and engaging book about the Blessed Mother's relationship to us, her children on earth. She loves us deeply and wants to be closer to us, like a real mom, and ultimately wants us to be intimate with her Son Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.
I am doing my consecration today because it is the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple to be consecrated to God as was the Jewish custom for firstborn sons. I never knew before looking at the list of consecration day options that the Presentation counted as a Marian feast. I always liked the feast of the Presentation but I had never thought much about Mary's role in it. It's not the same as the feast of the Presentation of Mary, but after reading 33 Days I feel I understand how Jesus' presentation would count as one of Mary's feasts; it is because she is so close to God and so central to His mission. Out of His generosity He has made her an integral part of His plan of the salvation of the world, and so she experiences the same thirst for souls as He does. At the Presentation, Simeon the prophet tells Mary that a sword shall pierce her own heart. This is one of Mary's seven sorrows (or dolors), so it relates quite closely to one of my all-time favourite Marian titles, Our Lady of Sorrows.
According to the saints Fr. Gaitley quotes in his book, Marian consecration is the quickest and surest way to sanctification. That is because Mary brings you closer to God. Sometimes it's hard to get close to God all on your own. Sometimes it helps to have someone with you helping you get there. All the better if she's His Mother, the Queen of His Kingdom! It's pretty amazing, when you think of it, how God made a human woman intentionally perfect to be an integral part of the salvation of humankind. God didn't need Mary to help him bring souls to heaven, but He wanted her too. She is a beautiful Queen, Mother, and Friend to us all. Today I am making my friendship with Mama Mary extra special by entrusting myself to her care through this Marian consecration so that she can lead me closer to God. Although it takes courage and commitment to give our "yes" to Mary, it's a very easy thing to do, so I highly recommend it! 33 Days to Morning Glory is only 33 days of daily reflection and at the end, it brings a new morning of wonder and glory in your life!
I will end with my favourite quote from this book. It doesn't really have anything to do with Mary specifically or with today's feast but it's something that really stood out to me in this book. It is from Mother Teresa and quoted on Day 15:
"Suffering has to come because if you look at the
cross, he has got his head bending down - he wants to kiss you - and he has
both his hands open wide - he wants to embrace you. He has his heart open wide
to receive you. Then when you feel miserable inside, look at the cross and you
will know what is happening. Suffering, pain, sorrow, humiliation, feelings of
loneliness, are nothing but the kiss of Jesus, a sign that you have come so
close that he can kiss you. Do you understand? Suffering, pain, humiliation -
this is the kiss of Jesus. At times you come so close to Jesus on the cross
that he can kiss you. ...That suffering has to come that came in the life of
Our Lady, that came in the life of Jesus - it has to come in our life also.
Only never put on a long face. Suffering is a gift from God. It is between you
and Jesus alone inside."
Check out this for more tidbits on Fr. Gaitley's great book.
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