Last night I participated in a peaceful pro-life protest called "Choice Chain." Choice Chain involves two methods of expressing our views to the public: one through conversation, as we explain to people why we think that abortion is a massive injustice, and one through graphic images. The graphic images are highly controversial, but the reason we use them is because they effectively show people the tragedy of abortion. Just like showing graphic images of other terrible injustices and tragedies is effective, such as war, slavery, bullying, and the holocaust, and just like cigarette boxes use graphic images to show you the negative effects of smoking.
Up until last night, the Choice Chains I participated in took place outside of high schools. High school is a great place to do a demonstration because high school students are interested in talking to you and willing to listen, and because they have a lot of questions. Some people think it is inappropriate to show graphic images to the teenagers and target impressionable youth, but the truth is that no high school will teach you what an abortion is, and all that our young people know is there is an easy way to escape an unwanted pregnancy, without knowing what that escape route really is: the direct and intentional killing of a human being. And teenagers, many of whom are sexually active and may have to face this choice themselves, have the right to know what they are really choosing. And we are not there to condemn. We are there to make abortion unthinkable.
Why do we think that abortion is so awful that we feel a need to demonstrate in the street? Isn't choice a good thing? Yes. The simple answer is, choice is a good thing. But are all choices good? If I have the right to choose to do whatever I want with my body, does that mean I have the right to choose to use my body to harm yours? My rights end where your rights begin. And what about the child's rights? He has no choice whether he gets to live or die. It comes down to a question of whether or not that unborn child deserves to live. People often bring up circumstances such as rape (which is less than 1% of cases), poverty, and the mother's health - none of which would justify killing a one-year-old child, so why would it justify killing a fetus? Isn't that age discrimination? The fetus is at the exact age and level of development that it's supposed to be at that point, just like an infant, child, teen, and adult are at specific ages and levels of development. The only other factor is location (the womb), and it is an unfortunate world where your right to live or die depends on your location, or your level of dependency.
Last night's Choice Chain was a little different. The public we spoke to comprised of all adults, and a whole new perspective came into play - the value of life. Simply speaking, by law of biogenesis, the fetus is human (because it has human parents), and it is alive, because it is growing. If it is, therefore, an alive human, or a human life, isn't it valuable? The answer I received more than once last night was - no. I was asked if I was a vegetarian, since obviously I was defending life, and I had to admit that no, I was not a vegetarian, to which people responded with shock - I think a human life is more valuable than an animal or tree life?? Yes. Yes, I do. I will kill a spider on my wall but I will not stand silent while babies are killed in the womb. And for the first time, I wondered if my religious views would spill over into my pro-life views, as I always keep them separate. Why would a human be more valuable than a tree? All I can say to that is that this is what I believe. And also that society protects more trees than it protects human lives. I think that no matter the age, level of development, location, or level of dependency of that human life, they deserve to live. And an uncertain future is better than certain death!
One in four pregnancies ends in abortion, and meanwhile parents who are waiting for a child to adopt in Canada are waiting for at least a year because there are no children to adopt in Canada. So, give the gift of life! The right choice is not always easy, but take a look at the images we are holding in the picture and ask yourself, is this a good choice?
Abortion doesn't kill problems. It kills babies. Please - choose life!
If you are interested in learning more about Choice Chain and/or are interested in getting involved, we are Ottawa Against Abortion. OAA is always looking for more volunteers! And if you have questions, I would be happy to address them.
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