
Monday, 6 May 2013

Wishing you a Joyous Monday!

Happy Monday! There's a theme of joy in the air these days, which is God-incidentally stalking me everywhere (God-incidentally - like, coincidentally, but by God's sneaky hand).

On Friday night I attended a prayer night called the Summit, which is a night of encounter with Christ through Eucharistic Adoration and praise and worship, and through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Eucharistic Adoration is when we as Catholics adore the exposed Blessed Sacrament (the host), which we believe to be the true presence of Jesus Christ.  At the Summit, I think every song had the word joy in it! Including Hillsong United's "Up in Arms" which has this incredible line in it:

"My joy is boundless, my soul knows its worth"

which I have been singing every day since. (Pretty much just that one verse.) Sunday Mass also was just bursting with joy, all throughout the readings and Gospel and the music. It was the first time I'd been to my parish, St. Clement, in a while, and we recently had our bells fixed. They were ringing at the beginning and end of Mass, AND at the Consecration!

"Declare the word of joy, and let it be heard, alleluia: declare it even to the ends of the earth"! (from the Introit)

The things that have brought me the most joy today - my week's off to an amazing start! - are that on campus with the CCO mission for summer school, we got 72 new contacts from our surveys, who we will be inviting to participate in our Discovery faith studies, and... wait for it... our first piece of news from the Revive Espanola mission!! Revive Espanola is a kind of mini-version of CCO's Impact mission, which one of my own very dear friends has initiated in her hometown this summer. Check out their blog (had to link it twice, it's too awesome)!!

Have a joyful week!

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