
Sunday, 8 September 2013

In this world you will have troubles

Every time I get upset or overwhelmed at the problems in the world around me, God says the same thing to me - and, every time, I have forgotten it again. Sometimes it's easy to look at the world's problems and get discouraged at the fact that the world is so big, and I am so small. And only after an hour of ranting does the Holy Spirit swoop in with the same words of comfort that I hear every time.

Last night, one such hour of ranting happened, where one complaint leads to another and another and before I know it, I'm feeling helpless in a world that's heading in the wrong direction. It is the specific intention of the devil to discourage me from feeling like I can do anything to help anything - but it is the specific intention of the Lord to encourage me with the fact that, indeed, I cannot do anything on my own, but with Him, I can do anything.