
Monday, 29 April 2013

Happy Monday - He is making all things new

Happy Monday!!

On this new day of a brand new week, here is a song just for you.

A message of hope from my favourite moment in the Passion movie, which is not so much a happy message as a bittersweet one, for me. On mission last summer, our theme was "Behold, he makes all things new," which is from Revelations 21:5, and this beautiful song brings me right back to mission.  Yesterday at Mass this was in the second reading, and it's one of my all-time favourite passages from the Bible. It's been almost a year since the Impact mission started, and I miss it a lot, but the Lord never stops making things new, and new again - and with so much excitement for what He wants to show me, He is leading me ever onward.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


I've always liked the word portfolio"; it has a cool, official-y sound to it.  These are the two new-and-improved revised drafts I handed in to my Creative Writing class for my final portfolio.  Enjoy!! :)

(If you are interested in seeing revision in process, the original draft of Bullied is Principal's Office, and the original of The Perfect Shade of Blue is here.)


“So what happened this time?”

Jesse watched his running shoes kick the bottom edge of Mr. Burke’s desk and shrugged.  He didn’t know what happened.  He didn’t understand it at all.

“Do you want me to tell you what Mrs. Pelletier said?”

Jesse shook his head.  He needed new shoes – he could see his sock. He wiggled his toes.

“You tell me what happened then.”

Monday, 15 April 2013

Happy Monday!

Today is the beautiful start to a beautiful week. Good luck to all students writing exams this week! :)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A picture worth a thousand words

I missed my Happy Monday yesterday! So instead I'll post this beautiful picture of a little boy who ran to help the actor playing Jesus in a passion play. So precious <3