Hello! For those of you receiving emails from me already, I promise I won't clog up your inbox with overly-frequent posts. I am just trying to give my baby blog a strong kick-off. This story is one I wrote a number of years ago, sadly I do not have the date but it was when I was around seventeen. I do not have many complete short stories as what I mostly did was novels, but for the few I do have I would like to post some of my preferred ones from back in the day. I did a lot of writing in high school but went through a lot of ups and downs - mostly downs - with writer's block since I started university. Now that I'm getting back into the swing of things, most of my stuff will be new creations, but I would like to get some of my old stuff up too. The story is titleless, and since it's from a time gone by I don't think I want to add one on now, so much later. If you think you can suggest a good title though, by all means feel free! Enjoy :)
I opened my
eyes. What was the point of keeping them
closed, if I couldn’t sleep? Mom always
said that if I pretended to sleep, soon I’d really fall asleep, but it never
worked. I looked across the room at the
wall to see what time it was. The wall
grinned back at me like a sheet of ice, clean and blank. No clock.
That’s right, I reminded myself, we haven’t unpacked it yet.
We’d just moved in to the new
house the other day, and nothing was unpacked yet. Just the bed I was lying in and the dresser,
empty and bare, along the equally-empty-and-bare wall.
The dresser had been my
grandfather’s, and his initials were carved into it: B.W., for Bradley
Walters. Those were my initials too, but
they didn’t stand for Brad Walters, they stood for Brandon Wolf. The B.W. took a little away from the
loneliness of the dresser, and the dresser took a little away from the
loneliness of the room. I knew I should
have unpacked something to put on that dresser.
It looked like it needed something to cover its nakedness.
After a while, I felt my eyelids
beginning to droop. I was being pulled
into the deep abyss of sweet sleep. I
vaguely wondered what time it was. I
could feel my heartbeat, softly thumping, sounding like the ticking of a
clock. Tick, tick, tick…
Ding-dong, ding-dong...
I opened my eyes again. The grandfather clock downstairs was
chiming…it could tell me what time it was.
I closed my eyes and strained my ears, listening…
One. two.
three. four. five.
six. seven. eight.
nine. ten. eleven.
twelve. thirteen.
My eyes snapped alert. Thirteen!
Thirteen? Had I counted
right? Maybe I was just tired…I swung my
legs around and stood up. The air was
chill, despite the furnace which I could hear banging in the radiator, and I
shivered in my striped pyjamas. I
tiptoed out of my room, my bare feet like ice on the floor.